Bushfire Resistant Homes

Not all homes are created equal.

This is especially true when it comes to modular living and ‘tiny homes’.

Whilst there are a lot of companies out there that can build you something pretty, in the event of a bushfire they’ll go up within minutes.

If you plan on building your dream home in a bushfire prone area this is something you need to consider.

Making your home bushfire resistant.

All Rescue Residences homes have been designed and constructed to meet BAL29 (Bushfire Attack Level rating), as standard.
There are several factors that impact the BAL rating of a home, which you can read more about below.

Based on the actual design and construction, our homes have been assessed by a licensed building inspector to meet the Australian Standard AS3959:2018, Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas at a Bushfire Attack Level rating of BAL29.

What does a BAL29 rating mean?

A BAL rating, is the evaluation of a Bushfire Attack Level. This relates to the potential exposure to burning embers, radiant heat and direct flame contact.

In other words, how likely you are to be affected by a bushfire in your home.

There are six levels a home can be graded as, and BAL29 is the third highest (with only BAL40 and BALFZ sitting above it).

The Australian Standard definition of BAL29 is: “There is an increased risk of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers and a likelihood of exposure to an increased level of radiant heat. The construction elements are expected to be exposed to a heat flux not greater than 29kW/m2.”

Site location and positioning of your home influence the attainment of a bushfire rating. Considerations such as the relevant Fire Danger Index (FDI) rating for the location of the site, the slope, surrounding grassland and vegetation are also important in assessing the potential to exposure of a bushfire attack.

Can we make our home BAL40 or BALFZ rated?

We are happy to discuss with you how we can customise your home to attain these ratings.

All Rescue Residences homes come with these fire resistant inclusions as standard:

● Steel wall frames and roof trusses
● Steel subfloor
● Double glazed windows
● Stainless steel mesh flywire screens
● Permeable wall wrap
● Roof sarking
● Fibre-cement and corrugated Colorbond® exterior cladding
● Colorbond® steel roof sheets
● All external pipes and fittings that penetrate the exterior are made of non-combustible materials, including roof vent
● All external vents and weepholes are covered with corrosion resistant stainless steel
● Any decks/verandahs are made of bushfire-resistant timber (as specified in the AS3959:2018)

Our homes are also environmentally friendly!

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All modular home designs are completely customisable

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